Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question? We may have already answered it in our frequently asked questions. Can't find the answer here? Then get in touch!

How does work?

Yes, you can adjust your search criteria to filter on specific features such as location, price, size, and more.

Our system sends out notifications within minutes of a property being listed online, allowing you to respond quickly.

Yes, you can adjust your notification preferences at any time in your profile settings to ensure you only receive relevant alerts.

No, there is no limit. You will receive notifications for all properties that match your set preferences.

Once you register on our site and set your preferences, you will automatically receive notifications via email or SMS as soon as a property meeting your criteria is listed online.

No! Because we notify you immediately via Whatsapp, you can immediately view the property on the source site and from there you can then contact us straight away.


Basically very simple: make sure you are the fastest! We see that you greatly increase your chances if you get there early. You are immediately in the landlord's attention.

Respond! Click on the link we forwarded you and make sure you already have all your relevant information at hand. And again, a caller is faster, so if a phone number is known, don't hesitate to call!

Unfortunately, no! What we do know is that (a) the earlier the better and (b) good preparation is half the battle. So keep all relevant information (payslips, ID etc) ar hand!


Yes! We want to provide the best service to you! If you are not 100% satisfied, you will get your money back, no questions asked!

You can cancel your subscription at any time, this can be done via your dashboard. Then choose 'My subscription' and select 'Stop automatic renewal'. You will then still have access until the end of your subscription period. You can see what date this is when you cancel.

n average, our users find a new home in 4-8 weeks. We have 3 different subscriptions, per month, per 2 months and per 3 months. The more months you choose the more discount you get! We therefore recommend a 2 or 3-month subscription to maximise your chances of finding a new home and getting the most discount.

Yes! You can try our service for 3 days for free. Of course, we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee at the end of the trial period. Not satisfied? We'll be happy to offer a refund! No questions asked!


In your dashboard, you can create a new search profile (you can set 4 in total) and edit existing ones to change your preferences for price, area or even location, for example.

Go to your dashboard, click on the search profile you want to change, make your changes and press 'Save'. Your new preferences will be active immediately!